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Why You Need to Be Careful About Your Choice for a DUI Attorney

If you've been accused of drinking under the influence, you're facing a serious dilemma. Depending on how many DUIs you've had, as well as the specifics of the case, you could be facing a fine, jail time, or even prison. Whatever the case, you need a DUI attorney. However, not just any attorney will do. This is your record you're talking about. A DUI carries with it a felony in most cases. That's not what you want on your record. A felony bars you from certain employment, from living in certain apartments or areas, and it can even keep you from getting a loan. For this reason, choose your attorney extremely carefully so that you can beat the charges against you.

The first thing to realize is that we all make mistakes. You shouldn't expect your attorney to judge you in any way. In fact, your attorney is there to help you every step of the way. At least a good attorney is supposed to do that. You need a attorney with plenty of experience and plenty of knowledge regarding DUI laws. It's great to want to help the attorney just starting out, but this is your future we're talking about. So it probably pays to go with someone a little more seasoned and who's been involved with, and won, many DUI cases.
Preparing a DUI Defense

Most people think that if they're accused of a DUI that they're automatically convicted. This is completely untrue. In fact, there have been many cases where the accused have beaten the charges against them. This requires the DUI attorney to plan an adequate defense. Your attorney understands that you are innocent until proven guilty and can plan a defense such as that your breath test was done incorrectly, that you were pulled over for the wrong reasons, or a dozen other defense points. Your attorney should know about every trick in the book so that he or she can be one step ahead of the prosecution, ready to shoot down any points they may have.

You can usually find a good DUI attorney by asking people you know. Someone knows someone who got in trouble with a DUI in most cases. Unfortunately, it's a fairly common thing. The important thing is to know when to call a attorney and also what to look for in a good one.

A good attorney should know DUI laws, should know what tricks the prosecution may try to pull, and he or she will groom you to handle court so that everything goes along smoothly. Your attorney is your best friend in cases such as these and so you should have good rapport with your attorney. But as long as your DUI attorney has the aspects above, you have a good chance of beating the charges you've been accused of.

Military Lawyer Virginia Beach. Our DUI Attorney [http://attorney-virginia-beach.com/] Virginia Beach provides the most aggressive Military Lawyer and highly experienced representation available for any Military legal problems and DUI problems.

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