DUI Attorney and Dealing With the DMV in DUI Cases
A DUI attorney can guide you through the complex process of dealing with the Department of Motor Vehicles in cases involving DUI, DWI and Extreme DUI charges. This article will discuss the process of dealing with the DMV in regards to DUI cases and how a DUI attorney can help you understand this difficult process and assist in guiding you through this process.
Blood and Urine Cases:
If your case involved the taking of blood or urine during your DUI arrest, you will need to wait and see if your results come back above or below a.08%. It usually takes anywhere between one (1) and six (6) months to get your results back. If your blood results are above a.08% the officer will forward a request for suspension to the DMV office.
The DMV office will then notify you with a "Corrective Action Notice" (i.e., notice of suspension). The moment you receive this from the DMV, contact a DUI attorney immediately so they can request a hearing on your behalf. This request needs to be done within fifteen (15) days of the date of that suspension notice. What can be confusing is that the Corrective Action Notice will state that the suspension will not go into effect until twenty (20) days after mailing of the notice. Do not let them fool you with this extra five (5) days; you must request a hearing within the fifteen (15) day period.
If you are stopped by an officer after a DUI attorney has requested a hearing, you will not have a yellow copy of a temporary driver's license in your possession. His computer should reveal that they have requested a hearing on your behalf. If he still writes you a ticket for driving on a suspended license, do not panic. Simply bring it to they DUI attorney and they will take care of it. If he arrests you for driving on a suspended license, you can sue the DMV for not imputing the hearing request into the computer (assuming you were not already suspended prior to your DUI, DWI, or Extreme DUI arrest).
Prior to the actual DMV hearing, if you have retained a DUI attorney, they will have you in for a "Pre-DMV consultation". At this consultation, a DUI attorney will go over the police report with you in detail and discuss whether it will be necessary for you to appear at the hearing or not. The DUI attorney will also discuss various options regarding whether to "Void" the suspension, or whether to actually "Stipulate" to the suspension in order to receive a "Work Permit". This will also have ramifications nullifying any potential future suspension with regards to the first offense situations which could result from the criminal case. All of this will have to be discussed one-on-one with a DUI attorney.
Insurance - Additional Punishment for DUI, DWI, Extreme DUI
Until DUI, DWI, or Extreme DUI guilt is established, an insurance company should not - although some do - cancel your insurance coverage. If convicted of a DUI, DWI, or Extreme DUI, you will either be unable to get insurance coverage or you will pay roughly $3000 or more a year, for the next three (3) years, above your current rate.
Some Final Realities on DUI, DWI, Extreme DUI
DUI also includes driving under the influence of drugs. DUI, DWI, & Extreme DUI charges are filed thousands of times every year against people from all walks of life. These charges are serious, but defensible, with assistance from a DUI attorney experienced in DUI, DWI, & Extreme DUI law.
David Michael Cantor is an AV rated (the highest possible rating) and a Certified Criminal Law Specialist per the Arizona Board of Legal Specialization. For more information about DUI attorneys, visit our site.